Life with infants
Thoughts on life with an infant from some familiar faces. What a typical day’s like, what’s to love, the challenging stuff, and musings in hindsight, from those who’ve been there.
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Sudden Infant Death used to be a mystery but thanks to research we now know a lot more about risk factors and how to keep babies safe.
In New Zealand the Ministry of Health offers a series of vaccines free to all children to protect them from highly infectious diseases. The New Zealand National Immunisation Schedule is a series of immunisations, including boosters, given at specific times between the ages of six weeks and 12 years.
Becoming a parent
Becoming a parent changes our lives in so many ways. In this story, our parents talk honestly and candidly about their experience of moving from ‘me’ to ‘we’, and about their hopes and dreams for their children.
Postnatal distress
Women are more likely to suffer from mental health problems following the birth of a child than at any other time in their life and it’s estimated that up to 20% of women suffer from postnatal distress (PND).
Infant interaction
Babies learn through interaction. Everyone who talks, smiles, reads and plays with them helps them to learn and grow.
Breastfeeding challenges
With the right support almost every mother can breastfeed but many women give up because they get cracked nipples or they think they’re not producing enough milk. The fact is, breast is best, which is why your lactation consultant, midwife and Plunket nurse are standing by to help.
Sleeping in the early months
From three to six months, babies are awake for longer stretches during the day and some may sleep for longer stretches at night. At this age, one or two night wakings are very normal.
Infant exploration
Babies learn through their senses – it’s how they explore their world. As you’ve no doubt observed, if they want to find out what something feels like, they’ll put it straight in their mouth!