Life with a school aged child
Thoughts on life with a school aged child from some familiar faces. What a typical day’s like, what’s to love, the challenging stuff, and musings in hindsight, from those who’ve been there.
Breeding bacteria
Does your child need an incentive to wash their hands? Growing greeblies might be the motivation you’ve been looking for!
Vinegar volcanoes
Just like the real thing, the Rosies’ volcano puts on an explosive show. (Friendly suggestion: you might like to try this one outside!)
Bouncing eggs
Bouncing eggs? Is that possible?! Your child will marvel at this scientific transformation.
This is a fun experiment to do with your child. Let them choose their favourite Lego minifigure (or similar) and marvel as it floats to the ground.
Kids in the kitchen
It’s got to be a good thing getting kids in the kitchen – it sets them up with good eating habits and a love of food, and they’re much more likely to eat something they’ve helped make than if we plonk a plate in front of them!
Most kids love pasta, so our chef Ben Bayly thought what better place to start than that all-time classic, spaghetti and meatballs, a favourite with his own children. Get the kids involved with fetching herbs from the garden, grating cheese, grinding the pepper, stirring the sauce … and before you know it, they’ll be cooking you dinner!
Why preparation is key
Doing a bit of preparation the night before or earlier in the day can mean meals are more nutritious, less expensive and less stressful! Chef Ben Bayly has freshened a Kiwi classic – his dad’s cauliflower cheese recipe – and teamed it with some healthy, homemade baked beans and sausages. Yum!
Afternoon snacks
Who doesn’t need inspiration for what to feed hungry kids in the door from kindy or school? In this Food for Thought recipe, Ben Bayly puts a Kiwi spin on a Mexican favourite – filled tortillas. It’s a dish his girls love – tasty of course, but quick, easy and nutritious too. And don’t forget that go-to after school snack – smoothies. All you need is a blender/food processor, milk, banana and berries. (Yoghurt makes a great addition too.)
Special occasion food
Gorgeous to look at and delicious to eat, these special occasion iced treats will woo any partygoer! Strawberry or chocolate … such a difficult choice!