Positive discipline

Our children are trying to figure out the world and their place in it. They’re trying to work out what’s ok to do and what isn’t, and how to get along with other people. And they need us to help them do this; not by punishing them, but by guiding them through positive discipline.

Top 5 Tips

1. Positive discipline is worthwhile! In the long-term it helps children problem-solve, communicate well, trust others, form relationships, be empathetic, be respectful of other people, be confident and motivated, and independent.

2. The word ‘discipline’ is often associated with punishment but it actually means ‘teaching’. It guides behaviour and gives children a sense of worth and security.

3. You can turn some tricky moments, such as your child putting a toothbrush down the toilet, hitting another child or running out onto the road, into teachable moments. Make the most of these opportunities when they come along.

4. Something that will help you deal with challenging situations is seeing it from your child’s point of view. When children seem to be deliberately naughty, they’re actually probably just trying to figure things out.

5. Don’t get angry. It’s important for children to feel safe when they make mistakes; it’s how they learn. Never physically harm a child.

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