Newborn communication

Babies already come with a way of communicating, and it’s the responsibility of the adult to figure out what these cues they are giving you actually mean, what the baby then is signaling it needs from the adult and then…the adult needs to provide it. Quite a tall order for a new relationship! Take the time to learn to read your newborn’s cues as you establish that vital communication link between you and your baby. Before you know it, you’ll have one cry differentiated from another and when someone says “isn’t the baby hungry?” you’ll be able to say “no, I can tell from her cues she’s telling me she is actually tired and wants to go to bed”…

Top 10 Tips

1. Babies want to feel safe, secure and respected.

2. Babies already come with a way of communicating.

3. It’s the adult’s responsibility to learn how the baby communicates.

4. Babies need adults who can be available and responsive to their cues.

5. You need to learn a newborn’s hunger cues (see our breastfeeding stories)

6. You need to learn a newborn’s tired cues (see our sleeping story)

7. Newborns can see the distance from breast to mum’s face really well.

8. Newborns will offer you eye to eye contact for small periods of time – when they do make sure you meet their gaze and look back at them.

9. Be fully present when you engage with your baby so you have the opportunity to communicate when they offer it.

10. They don’t need to be ‘taught’ how to move – they know what to do.

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