Joanne Rama-Maunga

Joanne is an educator with Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aoteraoa (PADA)r

Fa’aninimo Lagofaatasi

Fa’aninimo is a Cultural Community Support Worker at Lotofale Pacific Mental Health Service.

Heather Muriwai

Heather speaking as a midwife of home-birth and birth care.

Heather is an experienced midwife specialising in home births and traditional Māori birthing practices.

Ngaranoa Kimura

Ngaranoa smiles in interview with Raising Children.

Ngaranoa is a lactation consultant and Clinical Leader at B4Baby, Turuki Health Care.

Megan Hurst

Megan Hurst speaking from the kitchen in her home.

Megan is a Plunket nurse and childbirth educator with over 20 years’ experience.

Susan Goldstiver

Susan a psychotherapist talks in interview.

Susan is a psychotherapist with the Postnatal Distress Centre.

Linda Burke

Linda speaks as an experienced midwife and lactation consultant based in South Auckland.

Linda is an experienced midwife and lactation consultant based in South Auckland.