Sleep from 1-3 years

Sometime between one and two, most children drop from two day-time naps to one and will usually be sleeping 10-12 hours at night – not necessarily unbroken mind you!

Top 10 Tips

1. Children will often drop day-time naps altogether between the ages of two and three.

2. Establishing regular ‘quiet time’ in place of a nap can be a lifesaver to help parents and children get through the day.

3. This is particularly useful to have in place when younger siblings come along.

4. This is also the age when many children move from their cot to a bed. It’s important to keep the comforting routines in place, and to move any favourite blankets or toys with your child.

5. If you’re worried about your child falling out of bed, you can put a pillow between the base and the mattress to create a bit of a barrier, or buy a side bar to fit under the mattress.

6. Some parents of younger children choose to put the mattress on the floor for a time.

7. Some parents are happy to lie with their child until they drift off to sleep; others want their children to settle off to sleep on their own. Do what works best for you.

8. A good thing to say to your child when you leave the room is, “Mummy is just going to fold the washing (or whatever), then I’ll be back.” This reassures them you’ll pop back, and they’ll often be happily asleep by the time you do.

9. If your child keeps getting out of bed, take them back and tell them the behaviour you want, rather than the behaviour you don’t want. For example, “Daddy’s putting you to bed, and I want you to still be here when I come back.”

10. The idea is to give children lots of positive praise and to catch them being good.

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